Millions of patients live everyday with some form of chronic pain. Whether its an uncontrolled backache, throbbing headache, injury, disease, or any number of other painful conditions, pain is simply an often difficult-to-treat problem that can seriously impact an otherwise healthy lifestyle. Many commercially available oral medications can cause constipation. In some patients, this constipation can be severe. Opioid induced constipation is not the only condition, compounding pharmacists can provide treatment for. Acid reflux is a very common condition and can affect anyone, regardless of age. If you have acid, reflux, you may be familiar with the burning sensation, belching, and bloated stomach. Whether you are suffering from opioid induced constipation or acid reflux, your compounding pharmacist can prepare medications unique to you and your needs and get you feeling better in no time.
How can compounds help?
If you take opioid-related medications such as codeine, hydrocodone or oxycodone, you may find yourself having issues such as constipation. If this is the case, your compounding pharmacist can formulate a medication called naloxone to help reverse or prevent opioid induced constipation. Although there are a variety of medications available on the market to Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), some may not be able to take the medication formulations that are available on the market. If this is the case, your compounding pharmacist can prepare a variety of medications in alternative formulations, that may not other wise be available on the market, such as suspension.
Reviewed: September 30, 2014
Updated: November 12, 2014
Reviewed by: Beth Bolt, RPh
Source: RxWiki
Managing Editor: Anyssa Garza, PharmD