Smoking Cessation
If you are looking to quit smoking but have tried and did not like or did not find success with any of the nicotine replacement therapies on the market, your compounding pharmacist may have the solution behind the counter. Nicotine replacement therapy uses products that supply low doses of nicotine. These products do not contain the toxins found in smoke. The goal of nicotine replacement therapy is to decrease cravings for nicotine and ease the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal.
How can compounds help?
If you have tried either Nicorette Gum, NicoDerm CQ (patch), Nicotrol Inhaler, Nicotine lozenges, and Nicotrol NS (nasal spray), and are looking for an alternative, your compounding pharmacist can formulate nicotine lollipops. Nicotine lollipops can help control cravings because it delivers nicotine and can increase your chances of quitting. The Nicotine Lollipop contains nicotine, so as you suck on it, small amounts of nicotine are released. The lollipop also offers the hand-to-mouth action that seems to be a crucial component of the smoking habit. Because nicotine lollipops do not contain the toxins found in cigarette smoke, you are not subjecting yourself to the risks associated with smoking. As you begin to step down your usage, you gradually wean your body off the nicotine until you no longer desire nicotine. When choosing a nicotine replacement therapy, you should choose a form that fits your lifestyle and is based on your habit. If you feel like the nicotine lollipop may be a great option for you, talk to your compounding pharmacist today.
Reviewed: September 30, 2014
Updated: November 12, 2014
Reviewed by: Beth Bolt, RPh
Source: RxWiki
Managing Editor: Anyssa Garza, PharmD