Writing a Script for a Compounded Medication
When Writing A Prescription for a Compounded Medication the Following Information Should be Included:
1) Patient identifications (examples: name, date of birth, address)
2) Date prescription written
3) Allergies
4) Indicate prescription is to be compounded
5) Generic name of all of the active ingredients
6) Strength or Dose of medication (examples: %, milligram, grams)
7) Formulation desired (cream, gel, troches, capsule, suppository, ODTs, etc.)
8) Quantity desired and/or days supply needed
9) Directions for use
10) Medical condition being treated
11) Refills, if any. If you have any specific questions regarding formulations, do not hesitate to contact our pharmacy.
Contact our pharmacists with questions. We're happy to answer any questions and discuss suitable options to meet your patient's needs.
Reviewed: September 24, 2014
Updated: April 10, 2015
Reviewed by: Beth Bolt, RPh
Source: RxWiki
Managing Editor: Anyssa Garza, PharmD